Sunday, July 27, 2008


I don't even know where to begin on this post it's been so long since i wrote on here. But we have our first court date coming up, I feel very confident that the right thing has been done. I can't even say I miss him more then just missing what I am about to lose such as bella and this house. I am in a really great place right now I am having fun for the first time in a long time. Not fun in a bad way or anything just fun as in I can breath. I can allow the house to look like a mess, leave all the clean clothes in the basement and not worry about what's for dinner and if I will cook it good enough. There is freedom here. I do miss the security and maybe even the having a man around but really I can do this on my own! There is many times I miss my dad through all this though. At least I had him my life and I know that not all men are this way. I had a good day with cody today he picked up Emmalee and dropped her off and it was all very cordial. I have to move on I wasn't given a choice. But I am so excited to see what the future holds. I have baggage of course but that is Emmalee. Her best interest will always be number one. I have oddles of pictures from the summer but I have been up way to late this past week and just want to head to bed so check them out tomorrow.


. said...

I'm glad to hear from you and to hear that everything is going well! Why do you have to lose the house and dog? Just because you can't afford it on your own? Do you know where you are going to go? I hope you stay up this way, the girls really want to get together with Em.

me&em said...

I am not sure where I will be moving hopefully Highland. Yes I can't afford this on my own and I don't want Bella living in an apartment she likes to be outside way to much. Cody might take her.

me&em said...
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