Friday, July 11, 2008

Some things just take a toll on you.

Well like my life right now. I am tired, cranky, sad, hot, wafting away (that could be good though), broke, scared out of mind. But all in the glory of God. Hoping for some sun to come way. For I am very sad right now and really not liking being at this house it makes me more sad then I already am. But moving can't be a option at this time soon though. I am hurry up and waiting. To bad I have no patience for such a thing.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Sorry you had a rough day and that I didn't get a hold of you on the phone. Please call me when your down, you're not a bother! I love you and I am praying for you. I am so proud of the way that you are walking through may not have a clue what you're doing or what's going to happen next, but your walking moment by moment with your eyes on Jesus and that's the best place to be...easier said then done, but just keep walking.