Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I am Back!!

Well only until tomorrow, Cody felt bad for me that I have no connection with the outside world he is letting me use his laptop until he gets back from his fishing trip tomorrow. So here is a short version of my last week and half. Monday went to court, all went fine we actually settled out of court. Cathy spent the night on Sunday night to watch Emmalee for me. I am not sure how long it will actually take until we are actually divorced, but he is paying some maintance in this time. So I am able to stay in this house until that stops hopefully it will be when my lease is up in Feb.
Then Monday afternoon I had a job interview and Cody came over and watched Emmalee, I came home to a home cooked meal and a cleaned up house. Weird I know but whatever I was happy. I got the job but didn't take it because the pay was really low and the hours weren't great I would have a very hard time finding someone to watch Emmalee for me until Midnight. So not much other luck there. Then on Monday night huge storms came rolling in and the basement was leaking a bit. Then at midnight the electric went out and the sump pump then wasn't working and at 730am Cody called to tell me that Griffith all but blew away and so he got sent home from work and he drove by Mom's to make sure she was all fine. So I get up and find Calf deep water in the basement everything is ruined it was a computer, play, and family room. So I call Cody and he comes right over, and there is nothing we can do since I still had no power. So he left and I waited through the water to get some stuff out. Then at 5 when my across the street neighbors got home Cody came back and we ran a extention cord over there since they had power and we were able to pump the water out. But then since it was getting dark by the time we got all the water out Cody left. He was gone for like a half hour when the power came back on so he came back and helped me get the stuff out that we could carry. And he said he would bring a friend back over with him after work on tuesday, but he got called out of town so amee, shawn, mom, and I got the rest out on tuesday evening. Great fun let me tell you. As a result though i have no internet or home phone because i have the home phone that hooks to the internet. luckily I have a blackberry so I can sorta get online, but I have no minutes whatsoever left and am afraid of the bill so I try not to use the phone until after 9. Great times I tell you.... So now Cody brought me the laptop so I can update. I have been keeping up with all your blogs I just can't post comments with the blackberry. Oh and I have no cable either. HA my neighbor wants to run a line because he is tired of entertaining me I AM SO BORED. You would think I would clean the house or something but it's trashed Oh well.
The other good news though is that I have a job interview at one of the orginal places I put the app in for. I am way excited it's my first choice of a job so here is hoping. That is at 1030 tomorrow. So please pray I NEED A JOB badly. BLAH!!! But we shall see. Hopefully I can blog again soon. Although I am thinking of just keeping the blackberry and getting rid of the internet and home phone service anyways so it may be awhile before i can blog. Until then....

1 comment:

. said...

Shew! I'm glad to 'hear' from you! Hopefully everything will get straightened out soon!